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Little Hand and big Hand

Little hand and big hand

The little hand once said to the big hand:
"You big hand, I need you,
because I am safe with you.
I feel your strength,
when I am awake, you are with me,
when I'm hungry, you feed me,
when you help me to lift and build something up
when I take my first steps with you,
when I can come to you because I'm afraid.
I beg you: Stay close to me and hold me. "

And the big hand replied to the little hand :
"You little hand, I need you,
because you are part of me.
I can feel it,
because I can do lots of good for you,
because I play with you, laugh and can romp with you
because I discover small, wonderful things with you
because I can feel the warmth and love you have,
because I am thankful to be together with you.
I beg you: Stay close to me and hold me."

A big Heart for little Hands