What is Tay-Sachs?
The Tay -Sachs disease is a devastating lipid metabolism disease, which unfortunately is incurable, and leads to death in a few years .
Tay-Sachs disease is a progressive neurological genetic disorder, which is caused by a defective gene (chromosome 15).
The two main problems with Tay -Sachs are too little or no HEX -A, and at the end too much of GM2 wast.
What is HEX-A?
Hexosaminidases are enzymes that terminal residues of N - Acetylglucosiden by hydrolysis ( cleavage of a chemical compound to water absorption) split off , and degrade them step by step . In humans, five proteins with hexosaminidase activity are known to occur in several isoforms and assemble to form enzyme complexes. Mutations in the HEXA gene are the cause of Tay -Sachs disease , and mutations in the gene HEXB are responsible for Sandhoff disease .
Die fünf Hexosaminidasen werden Hexosaminidase A bis D und S genannt. Hexosaminidase A, B und S sind Proteinkomplexe und werden beide aus Produkten der beiden Gene HEXA (Untereinheit α) und HEXB (Untereinheiten βA und βB) gebildet
Vereinfacht gesagt kann der Stoffwechsel das Enzym HEX-A nicht ausreichend produzieren, und ist dadurch nicht in der Lage die Stoffe, die die Zellen nicht mehr benötigen, aus dem Körper abzutransportieren. Daher wird dieser "Müll" (GM2 Abfall) in den Zellen eingelagert, und in Fett verwandelt. Die Zellen werden regelrecht zugefettet und verlieren nach und nach ihre Funktionen, bis sie dann absterben.
Was ist GM2?
Das Abfallprodukt heißt GM2. Es ist im Grunde ein großer komplizierter Strang, der zu groß und lang für eine Gehirnzelle ist. Das Hex-A Enzym bricht das GM2 in kleine Stränge, die von der Zelle verwendet werden können.
Wenn es zu wenig Hex-A Enzyme gibt, beginnen sich die großen GM2 Stränge zu sammeln (wie wenn der Müllwagen nie zu Ihrem Haus kommen würde). Da nun zu viel Abfall anfällt, beginnt der Speicherbereich zu schwellen. Die Schwellung führt zu Fehlfunktionen der Zelle und diese stirbt schließlich ab. Verschiedene Enzyme und Abfallprodukte werden in verschiedenen Teilen des Körpers erzeugt. Hex-A und GM2 werden in Gehirnzellen erzeugt - das ist der Grund, warum Tay-Sachs in erster Linie eine neurologische Erkrankung ist.
Für das Tay-Sachs Syndrom gibt es zur Zeit keine Behandlungsmöglichkeiten und keine Chance auf Heilung. Die Schulmedizin kann lediglich die Symptome behandeln.
Es gibt 3 verschiedene Formen der Krankheit.
infantiles Tay-Sachs Syndrom (Typ1 = frühkindliches Tay-Sachs)
juveniles Tay-Sachs Syndrom (Typ 2 = spät beginnendes Tay-Sachs)
Late On-Set Tay-Sachs Syndrom (Typ 3 = adultes Tay-Sachs)
Infantiles Tay-Sachs Syndrom
Häufigste Form der Krankheit
Erste Symptome treten im Alter von 3 - 6 Monaten auf
HEX-A Enzym ist wenig bis gar nicht vorhanden, daher der schnelle Verlauf
Lebenserwartung: 3 - 5 Jahre
muskuläre Hypotonie (die Muskelspannung wird immer weniger)
Cherry Red Spot (Kirschroter Fleck auf der Makula/Netzhaut - kommt von der Einlagerung in den Zellen)
Schreckreaktionen auf Schallreize (häufiges erschrecken)
Psychomotorischer Abbau, Verlust des Sitz- und Stehvermögens
Zunehmende Schwerhörigkeit, Blindheit, Paresen sowie Spasmen
Puppenartiges Gesicht mit blasser durchscheinender Haut, langen Augenwimpern, feinem Haar und auffällig rosafarbener Gesichtsfarbe
Die Kinder verlieren die Fähigkeit zu
Sehen und hören
Stehen, Sitzen und ihren Kopf zu halten
Sich zu bewegen
Spielen und zu essen (wegen Speichelbildung)
Lachen und mit Tränen zu weinen
Im Falle einer Erkältung den Schleim abzuhusten
Stattdessen bekommen Sie
Epileptische Anfälle, die im Laufe der Zeit immer schlimmer und häufiger werden
Spasmen (eine erhöhte Eigenspannung der Skelettmuskulatur)
Eine Magensonde und später auch Sauerstoff
Paresen (unvollständige Lähmungen)
Die Kinder versterben in der Regel bis zum 3. Lebensjahr aufgrund einer wiederkehrenden Lungenentzündung.
Juveniles Tay-Sachs Syndrom
Beginn der Symptome im Alter von 2-6 Jahren
Gangataxie (breitbeiniger, unsicheren Gang )
zunehmendem Verlust der intellektuellen Leistungen
Der Aktivitätsmangel des HEX-A Enzyms ist weniger stark ausgeprägt als bei der infantilen Form.
Mit etwa 15 Jahren sterben die Patienten im Stadium einer Dezerebration (Unterbrechung der Hirnrinden-Hirnstamm-Verbindung: kompletter Ausfall der Großhirnfunktion)
Late On Set Tay-Sachs Syndrom (Adulte Form)
kann mit etwa 10 Jahren beginnen, wird aber oft erst im Erwachsenenalter diagnostiziert (zwischen 20. und 30. Lebensjahr)
Die geistigen Leistungen und das Verhalten sind nur bei einem Teil dieser Patienten beeinträchtigt.
Die Aktivität des HEX-A Enzyms ist verringert.
- Rede und Schluckbeschwerden, Unsicherer Gang, Spastik, kognitive Abnahme und psychiatrischen Erkrankungen, insbesondere Schizophrenie-ähnliche Psychose
Late On Set Tay-Sachs ist in der Regel nicht tödlich.
Ein großes Herz für kleine Hände
Honormembers - Kids of the sun
Here you can meet some of our still living kids and learn more about their story.
Isabel Fernández Domínguez
Isabel was born in Buenos Aires in February of 2009.
She is now 4 and a half years old.
Isabel suffers from Tay-Sachs disease, juvenile form.
She lives with her parents Beatriz and Martin in Madrid.
Until the age of two Isabel was a healthy little girl. She had the life that any other child could have: school, little friends at park, holidays and trips to Spain to visit her family. And always a big smile on her face.

Since then this is our life: help Isabel to have the best possible life, be with her through all the terrific changes this disease brings, cope with all this, as parents, as family, as human beings. Love her in a fiercely way because we understand that today she is with us. And also understand that there is another world apart from our comfortable past lives, in which many people suffer from rare diseases. A world that needs from people like us, family, friends, to be put under the spotlight of the society to raise awareness. People, medical researchers, doctors and health care givers, Governments, politics parties…. All the society must know that we can avoid more ill children if we work together for it.Since then, as a mother, this is my fight. Isabel is being followed by a marvelous team of specialist in England. At the end of our first visit, the leader of this team looked at my eyes and said this to me: “I don’t believe in God, but I believe in miracles. We will do our best to look for a miracle for Isabel”.
That is my hope. A miracle for Isabel and for all the children that suffers from Tay-Sachs, or other rare diseases. And her endless smile is the inspiration that encourages me to continue with this struggle every day.
Visit Mama Beatriz's Blog about Isabels Life: talvezisabel.blogspot.com
Gustavo Santos Silva

This year he celebrated his 7th Birthday!
When he was 4 years old, he received the terrible diagnosis:
Juvenile Tay-Sachs syndrome.
(Life expectancy is about 6 - 15 years)
He lives with his family in São Paulo, Brazil.
His mother Rute was very afraid that he would not live to see his seventh birthday, but Gustavo is fighting bravely and did not left them!
This is what his mother Rute wants to share with you:
Live intensely.
Every second of each day, at any time.
Alexa "Lexi" Gordon
Was born on March 30, 2011.
She is now 29 months old.
Lexi suffers from Tay-Sachs syndrome.
She lives with her parents Tracy and Brian in Virginia, USA.
Lexi's story:
When Lexi was 12 months old, she was diagnosed with autism because her development was lagging behind. At 14 months she had a 15 minute seizure and was flown to the Children's Hospital in DC.

Please pray, lights candles, our little girl that God gives a miracle. Thank you and God bless! The Gordon Family
Brook Hubbard
was born on 24 Born November 2010,

And is now 35 months old.
She suffers from Tay-Sachs syndrome.
Brook lives with her mother Kate and her brother Jake in New Hampshire, USA.
This is what Brooks Mum Kate wants to share with you:

We enjoy every second with each other and pray every day for a further day as three.
Brielle Emma Walters
Brielle was born on October 17, 2009.

She is now 4 years old.
Brielle suffers from Tay -Sachs syndrome. Infantlie form.
She lives with her parents Ashley and Brian in Beloit , Wisconsin. United States.
When Brielle was 14 and a half months old, they got the diagnosis of infantile Tay -Sachs disease , after 5 months with blood tests and examinations. For parents, a world collapsed :
We could not believe it. This is not fair ! Only 10-15 children are diagnosed each year , why God chose Brielle ? Why our baby ? Our heart felt as if it broke into a thousand pieces .
Every hope and every dream of a future for Brielle , were destroyed.
Brielles parents Ashley and Brian started an organization to care for their financing , and to support the research .
Since the life of children suffering from Tay -Sachs is very limited ( average life is 3 years ) decided Brielles mom Ashley to make a photo of Brielle every day . Die images can be viewed on their website and on Facebook.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Battle-for-Brielle/291874260830100?ref=ts&fref=tsRuby Backus
Ruby and her twin brother Sam are IVF babies , and were born on June 22, 2010.
They live in Kidderminster , United Kingdom.
Ruby suffers from Sandhoff disease , her brother Sam is completely healthy .
Her mom Nikki would like to share with you this:
The happiest day of my life was when I found out that I am expecting twins. I loved Ruby and her brother for a long time , long before they were born. And then they came to the world and the love that I felt was immense. As Sandhoff disease was diagnosed at Ruby , I could not believe it even though I wanted and love her so much, she will be taken from me. It is heartbreaking to see her everyday struggling with things - eat, move , see, breathe. It is still heartbreaking to see how her brother grow and develop , and to know that she should be equal.
I wonder how she would be if she would not fight such a devastating disease .
I have to smile at the same time and fight back the tears when Ruby's b

Or how excited he is when he puts a toy in Ruby's hand or a piece of chocolate to her lips.
To care for Ruby has changed me , makes me humble, I feel privileged to be able to care for her.
While I'm fighting against her forecast with all I have, I have reached courage through her courage , she is an inspiration and I am so proud to be her mom.
Where has your smile gone
sweet child of mine
i fear i took it for granted when i saw it all the time
your laughter, your expressions,
your bright eyes too
have been taken far away locked somewhere deep inside of you
the problem sounds so simple
it must be easy to fix
but the medicine isn't there yet
i have to watch as you get sick
but we'll fight me and you
and the rest of your family too
we wont stop up until you smile again
we'll never give up and neither must you
By Nikki Backus –for Ruby
Haylie Irran
was born on May 13, 2010.

She lives with her parents Eva and Zivan in Mondsee .
Haylie suffers from Tay -Sachs disease (infantile Form/Typ1).
She is now 3 years and 5 months old.
What Haylies mom would like to share with you :
To care for a child with such a devastating disease is not always easy and requires much energy . But to be able to have Haylie with us is the most beautiful gift in the world, and we are grateful for each day with her. She has taught us to be open, shows us every day how strong she is and how much power she has. She is fighting so bravely against this disease and shows us so many times that she wants to live. Through her we have learned to have hope. Hope for recovery. Hope for a cure.
Even if the medicine teaches us something else.
Haylies road is not at its end.
I pray every night for a miracle, and eventually had to recognize that I have already obtained this miracle.
Haylie is my miracle.

Love your children so much you can, tell them every single day anew how much you love them.
And do not take their health for granted.
Enjoy spending time with them to the fullest and looking at their life as a gift.
Because every life, no matter how limited its time may be, is a gift.
Visit Haylie website: http://hilfefuerhaylie.jimdo.com/ or http://www.facebook.com/HilfefuerHaylie